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關於Click and Grow
Click and Grow是個非常簡單使用的電子智慧型盆栽,它讓植物在無需您每日澆水與施肥的悉心照料下自然生長。您不必備有任何關於園藝的知識,因為所有的一切都將由智慧的科技來代替您照顧。Click and Grow的智慧科技已經依照特定植物的每日所需,配合生長環境的空氣參數,精準的給予適當水及養分的劑量。透過Click and Grow跨時代科技,希望大家可以用最簡單的種植方式來布置家裡的每一個角落。有了這電子植物,人人就像熟練的園丁!


Grow Cress in your indoor herb garden!

Cress is a fast-growing, edible herb that boosts a peppery and tangy flavour and aroma. Cress is a well-know high-nutrient food containing substantial content of vitamins A, C and K and several dietary minerals. Edible shoots can typically be harvested already in one to two weeks after planting. In addition to being eaten as sprouts, Garden cress is added to soups, sandwiches and salads for its tangy flavor. Boost your health by growing cress!


Growing cress in your indoor herb garden has many benefits:

  • Easy access to vitamins A, C, K and several dietary minerals
  • Cress is a fast-grower and you can eat the first shoots within 2 weeks. 
  • Growing cress is easy and effortless with an indoor herb garden 
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